

作者:Kristine Hojnicki

卡洛斯·尔 at HPU's Aloha Tower Marketplace campus

卡洛斯·尔 at HPU's Aloha Tower Marketplace campus.

卡洛斯·尔, 美国陆军的上士, has been stationed at Schofield Barracks in Hawai’i for three and a half years. 同时献身于军队服役, he is also pursuing a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice at HPU.


卡洛斯·尔 chose HPU due to its reputation as an institution supportive of military service members. Having heard positive feedback from his coworkers, he decided to enroll and has never looked back. "Now that I've been in HPU for over two years, I can confirm that that's true,法尔凡说.

Farfan is a criminal justice major studying in a hybrid setting, balancing his academic pursuits between online and on-campus classes. "HPU has been flexible with military students like me, 了解我们繁忙的日程安排, 部署, 并轮换到太平洋,他说.

The University's willingness to work with military students has alleviated much of the stress that Farfan and his military peers face, knowing HPU professors and staff understand their commitments and are available to support them.

兼职教员凯文·利马博士.D., a former assistant chief at the Honolulu Police Department, stands out among the many HPU professors who have made a significant impact on Farfan. Farfan described Lima as one of the best professors he has ever met. His dedication to his students is evident in his willingness to offer one-on-one sessions and provide valuable tools for professional development, 甚至在课程结束后. "He just cares, and that's the kind of person that I really like. 我永远不会忘记,”法尔凡说.

Carlos Farfran studying at the center atrium at HPU's Aloha Tower Marketplace campus

Carlos Farfran studying at the center atrium at HPU's Aloha Tower Marketplace campus.

The Washington state-native also credits the on-post academic advisors, 尤其是大卫·赫尔, 感谢他的大力支持. Whenever Farfan has academic questions or concerns, he finds comfort in knowing that Hull is resourceful, 知识渊博的, 并且随时准备提供帮助.

"I always leave his office knowing that he's got my back. 我真的很感激. It makes my life easier as a student in the military,法尔凡说 with gratitude.

The opportunity to attend classes both on base and on campus has been invaluable for Farfan, 宗教事务非政府组织. The convenience of a short commute from Schofield Barracks to HPU's campus allows him to manage his busy schedule effectively. 另外, learning alongside other enlisted members fosters a unique learning environment where military-driven examples and ideas seamlessly intertwine with the course material. “这有助于课堂顺利进行,法尔凡说, highlighting the ease of communication when students can relate their coursework to their military experiences.

Farfan's educational journey is not solely motivated by academic pursuits. It is intricately connected to his military career and personal aspirations. His dream is to become a commissioned officer in the United States Army, and he recognizes that a bachelor's degree is a crucial step towards achieving that goal. HPU's approach to incorporating real-life problems into the classroom has honed Farfan’s critical thinking abilities, a vital skill for leaders in the military who are constantly faced with challenges and problem-solving scenarios.

The University's emphasis on these skills aligns seamlessly with Farfan’s ultimate vision of becoming a leader in the Army. "HPU brings in real-life problems into our courses, 走进我们的教室, and they force us to think critically to solve and prevent problems or bad situations,他说.

Farfan is making excellent progress toward his graduation and commissioning and he feels confident in his choice of attending HPU. 他从大学得到的支持, 它的军事友好方针, and the excellent professors have all played an essential role in his academic and military journey. 出于这些原因, Farfan encourages other soldiers seeking to pursue higher education to consider HPU.

“If you're a soldier looking to apply to a university, HPU is the right choice,” he said. “They are military-friendly and understanding of our schedules and the hectic nature of our lives. They wholeheartedly support us and provide unwavering support. It’s clear HPU is 100% committed to our success."

