

写的 格雷戈里·菲施巴赫

The conference was a student-driven diversity conference that included a keynote presentation by Wanjiku ‘Wawa' Gatheru

The conference was a student-driven diversity conference that included a keynote presentation by Wanjiku ‘Wawa' Gatheru.

第一个-ever HPUnity Diversity Conference took place on October 13, 2023, at Aloha Tower Marketplace and it collectively galvanized HPU students, 教师, 和工作人员一起参加一个具有变革意义和启发性的活动. The conference was a student-driven diversity conference aimed at fostering awareness, 扩大知识, 珩磨技能, and strategizing for social change concerning crucial DEI (Diversity, 股本, and Inclusion) topics and contemporary trends affecting present-day college students in Hawaiʻi.

The conference highlight was a keynote presentation by Wanjiku “Wawa” Gatheru.

她以环境正义斗士的角色而闻名, 加苏岛是罗德岛, 杜鲁门和尤德尔学者, 也是“黑人女孩环保主义者”的创始人. She shared invaluable insights at the conference, igniting a wave of inspiration and shared dialogue. Her keynote presentation delved into critical topics that resonated deeply with the packed HPU ʻohana audience.

Wanjiku 'Wawa' Gatheru delivers an engaging keynote presentation to HPU students, 教师, and staff

Wanjiku 'Wawa' Gatheru delivers an engaging keynote presentation to HPU students, 教师, and staff.

盖苏的主题主要围绕着气候危机, 强调“解决危机还为时不晚”.她强调,地球正在提供必要的反馈, 敦促世界各地的人们开创一个气候行动的时代. Gatheru also called attention to a change in the narrative surrounding the climate and plastics crisis, 他说:“一个没有塑料的世界是可能的.“同时, she stressed the need to embrace the concept of “intersectional environmentalism.”

Environmental intersectionality can be described as the interconnected nature of injustices faced by marginalized communities and the planet. 它倡导为全人类和地球伸张正义, 推动包容性的环境保护主义. “现在改变剧本还为时不晚. Climate justice is possible because we have all the climate tools necessary to solve the problem,盖苏激动地说.

Gatheru也分享了她的个人经历, explaining that her connection with environmentalism was not immediate. 那是在她高中三年级的时候, 在环境科学课上, 她有一个关键时刻的环境接近. Her teacher's decision to introduce a section on environmental justice, 不是计划课程的一部分, 改变了她的人生轨迹. She discovered that caring for the environment is deeply intertwined with everything she holds dear: her family, 她的社区, 她的家, 以及她的个人生活. 这一认识促使她开始了自己的气候故事, a journey that everyone can embark on without having to search very far.

Fourteen HPU students who served as student diversity leadership ambassadors, 代表他们的同学, 担任重要职务,使会议取得圆满成功. The student ambassadors led student breakout sessions on the topics of addressing microaggressions, 如何谈论多样性, 如何成为盟友, 文化竞争力和多样性倡议. The student ambassadors worked in collaboration with select HPU staff ambassadors.

“Communication technology has enabled knowledge to be transferred quicker and more widely than ever before. 然而,有些知识比智慧发展得更快. It was a pleasure to introduce and listen to Waha Gatheru make the connection between the two as it relates to embracing and working towards justice and diversity in our climate change adaptation endeavors,” said Kumu Ramsay Taum who introduced Gatheru to the audience and provided closing event comments.

Wanjiku 'Wawa' Gatheru and Kumu Ramsay Taum at HPU's Aloha Tower Marketplace campus

Wanjiku 'Wawa' Gatheru and Kumu Ramsay Taum at HPU's Aloha Tower Marketplace campus.

HPU student Venus Mairena shared her experience as a student ambassador, stating that she “thought this would be an opportunity to not only find my community, 同时也帮助其他人找到他们的社区, or to start initiatives at HPU that will help others find their communities.”

Mairena is a first-generation student studying English at HPU and is the first person in her family to leave home to pursue an education. “我不认为我是唯一一个,”她分享道. “I have met others in a similar situation, and I also have met others that are not in that situation. 我们的生活方式有着强烈的反差. I want to be able to provide support or to find ways to help support the people who have to work several jobs to afford college.”

HPU student Blake Jones became a student ambassador for two reasons. 第一个, “我想帮助学生成为更好的盟友,琼斯说。, “ because I think there's an idea that if it doesn't concern you then don't worry about it. 或者,为别人说话可能会有压力. So, I’d love to create an atmosphere of inclusion where it’s okay to stand up for people; it’s a positive thing to be an ally and there’s a lack of fear in terms of that.

Later in the afternoon, Gatheru joined Sabrina Thomas for an engaging Q&与教师和工作人员的会议. 这些问题涉及到嘉苏的教育背景, 她作为环境活动家的经历, and her invaluable insights into the pressing environmental issues she passionately addresses.

加苏是第一代肯尼亚裔美国人. She hails from a background where conversations about saving the Earth were commonplace while farming with her mother and grandmother. 作为罗德学者, she is committed to amplifying the voices of those most affected by climate change and exposing the roots of environmental racism.

She tirelessly advocates for a climate movement that is inclusive and representative of all. 她与艺术家合作, 音乐家, and cultural influencers to bring climate justice to the forefront of mainstream conversations. 她非凡的努力获得了认可, including being featured alongside Billie Eilish on the digital cover of Vogue in 2023. Gatheru's involvement in various boards and advisory councils underscores her commitment to environmental causes, 这使她成为气候行动主义领域的知名人物.

